Media 2070 - The Essay - Read Now
Audio Book - Listen Now on Abantu Audio
"Black in the Newsroom" Short Film - Watch Now
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Media 2070: An Invitation to Dream Up Media Reparations

What is Media 2070?

This work is an effort to radically transform who has the capital to tell their own stories by 2070.

This work is an idea, welcoming critique and feedback. It is liberation work within a lineage of civil-rights activism, racial-justice organizing and calls for reparations.

This work makes visible the ways in which the media have taken part in and supported state violence and harm against Black people.

It seeks to highlight how the media can serve as a lever for racial justice — and underscore the repair and reconciliation necessary to build strong, free, democratic communities. To achieve full freedom and democracy, it’s critical to change entrenched media narratives about Black people.

This is an attempt at that change — an attempt at creating a world that’s never existed.

Learn more about Media 2070

Team Media 2070

Hello! We are the Media 2070 team.

This project is the result of more than a year of gathering, built on the foundation of Juan González and Joseph TorresNew York Times bestseller News for All the People and Alicia Bell’s work infusing newsrooms with the spirit of community organizing via Free Press’ News Voices project.

>> Click our names to learn more about our journeys.

Alicia Bell

Joseph Torres

Collette Watson

Diamond Hardiman

Media 2070 Senior Director Anshantia Oso

Anshantia Oso

Venneikia Williams

Get In Touch

Relationships are important to us. If you have a question, want to join the building of this vision, or just want to share space, we look forward to hearing from you. Email, call or send us a text.